

Company's profile

The company was incorporated on the 6th of November 2003 as a Private Limited Liability Company in England and Wales and it is located in Dartford, Kent of England. Basically, the company is a consultancy outfit established to meet the business needs of organisations in any part of the world through its own effort or by net working arrangements with credible local organisations where it does not maintain a presence.

The company will serve any sector of the economy (private or public) and any organisation genuinely pursuing a legitimate business.
Parts of the services the company offers are:

Though the company is relatively young but the team of professionals behind the company have experience that spans over two decades in various fields of endeavour that transcends the shores of the United Kingdom.

The company is moderately staffed & has consistently been handling clients’ account with a turnover (put together) of about £2.5m every year apart from services which are consultancy in nature such as preparation of business plans for organisations for various purposes etc. We always strive to give personal touch to all assignments we handle & it is our corporate policy to follow up our clients with a view to monitoring their growth. We do this follow up because of the strong believe that their growth will propel our growth & our goal is to grow yearly.

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